New This WeekNewsletterZero Energy Design

Fostering a Sustainable Future

Technology is crucial in propelling green construction towards a sustainable future. Innovations like building information modeling (BIM) enhance design efficiency and reduce material waste. Additionally, smart sensors and IoT allow for real-time monitoring of energy usage, improving building performance.

According to Construction Week,  Lalit Kumar Aggarwal, co-founder & vice-chairman, Signature Global (India) said, “The adoption of construction management software is experiencing significant growth due to its numerous benefits. This sophisticated software empowers contractors to meticulously plan and monitor all aspects of a building project, ensuring smooth and efficient progress. By utilizing these tools, project managers can closely oversee project development, exercise precise cost control, and minimize waste, resulting in significant time and resource savings.”

Aggarwal added, “Modular construction is gaining popularity in green construction, involving the fabrication of building components or entire sections in a factory before on-site assembly. This method minimizes waste by precisely cutting and producing only necessary materials, significantly reducing errors. Additionally, modular construction is quicker and safer, requiring fewer on-site workers and reducing overall construction time.”

Ankit Kansal, managing director, 360 Realtors said, “Indian real estate’s role in promoting long-term sustainability is unquestionable.  The sector contributes 35% of greenhouse emission besides contributing to 33% and 25% consumption of electricity and water resource respectively. It is pertinent for the sector to step-up and play a larger role.  Although India has 3rd largest volume of Green certified buildings after USA and China, there is pressing need to be more proactive in terms of neutralizing environmental menaces. This is all the more important in the face of unprecedented rise in urbanization and spurred population growth. One of the prudent approaches will be to integrate green technologies and smarter practices throughout the real estate lifecycle from land acquisition to levelling to construction to deconstruction. This will help in optimizing resource consumption besides lowering greenhouse emission.”

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