
“Trends in HERS® Rated Homes” Statistics Report Released

RESNET has released its statistical abstract of homes that were HERS-rated in 2023, in the “Trends in HERS Rated Homes – A Statistical Abstract 2024?.

First, the report looks at broad national-level trends in the number of HERS ratings and average index scores, then the report covers state-level trends, including the total number of HERS ratings in each state and the percentage of new homes that received a HERS Rating.

After the state-level data, the report looks into trends of HERS ratings in cities, including the top 25 cities for single-family and multi-family ratings.

According to RESNET, The remainder of the report focuses on individual trends across HERS ratings, including a breakdown of the basic characteristics of rated homes and individual building components. Various building envelope components are covered, as well as air leakage rates, equipment efficiencies, and the use of solar on HERS-rated homes.

The report was developed by Ryan Meres, RESNET Programs Director, on behalf of RESNET’s Suppliers Advisory Board.

Some highlights include:

• 136% increase in annual HERS Ratings from 2013 to 2023

• Over 360,000 HERS Ratings in 2023

• There have been year-over-year increases in the number of HERS Ratings for a decade.

• Massachusetts led the nation in the percentage of homes HERS-rated again with a record-breaking 98% of new homes receiving a HERS Rating, while Arizona comes in second with 73 percent.

• Looking at the number of total HERS ratings, Texas comes out on top with over 89,000 ratings

• 6 states achieved 50% or more of new homes HERS-rated

To download the report click on 2024 Trends in HERS Rated Homes.

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